Turing Machines are Overrated

Constraints of runtime environments mean that not all turing-complete languages are equally powerful. Much of computing is pushing electrons over wires, not performing symbolic manipulation in the Turing sense. Therefore Turing equivalence of two languages does not necessarily imply that you can perform the same tasks in both of them – one may have drivers written to communicate directly with your gpu, while the other doesn't, for example.

Besides running "algorithms", computers can also interact with their environment. The Turing machine model models everything that can be done with the former capability, but nothing that can be done with the latter. This is a massive omission, and of course puts a lie to the "idea" that all programming languages / runtime environments / computers are equivalent. If computer A has freely available networkable features, while computer B is a strictly self-contained "algorithm" device, then there is an entire world of things you can activate or interact with with computer A which you can't with computer B.